The Basic Rules of CasinoGamesFan

You need to be at least 21 years old before you can visit this particular website. Going further would mean that you completely accept and understand the responsibility of your personal actions, thus freeing this website's creators from every liability possible. This website happens to strongly support the World Wide Web's parental controls as the web pages really are not meant for minors to view, so if you wish to permanently block this particular website as a parent, please get in touch with a filtering company like Cyber Patrol, Net Nanny, or SurfWatch.


The user agrees to defend, hold harmless and indemnify CasinoGamesFan, as well as any providers of third-party data to this website against and from every loss, expense, damage and cost; this would include reasonable fees of attorneys that might result from you visiting this website, any of your term and condition violations, any activity that was involved in your website submissions (this would include, though would not be limited to wrongful or negligent conduct and infringing or unlawful material) and links made onto this website.